5 Tips to Load up Your Site Rapidly

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Every website online is a result of long hours of work, development and designing skills, search engine optimization procedure and a lot of other factors that made it all possible for a website to exist. Naturally, you would want others to like it and you would do everything in your power to keep your website alive. However, among other necessary steps and procedures involved in the birth of a website, one vital element is often ignored and that is the website’s load up time. Just imagine, your carefully developed and designed website that took you days perhaps months in creation was ignored by the viewer in a snap, just because it failed to load on the screen in a couple of seconds. Here, we are giving 5 useful tips that can save your website and increase its view ability ten folds.

Use Optimized Images

The images are probably the most important type of content on any website and definitely the heavier as compared to any other element. Therefore, you need to use optimized images on your website to reduce the load on your website. Make sure that you use the “Save for the web” option included in your image editing software. If you don’t have and image editing software you can always use any image optimizer software online. Furthermore, you need to choose the right image format. You can use JPEG for true color photos and GIF for flat colored images like buttons and logos. Read here for more.

Optimize the CSS

Nearly every website is designed with CSS today so keep in mind to clean and optimize your CSS. A professional web designer can do that for you without any hassle. They can remove ineffective properties, white spaces from the codes and merge the similar selectors. We encourage you to visit our site to know more.

Put Slash on Your Links

If you have an expert web developer at your expense, he or she would know about the workings of the server because whenever any user opens a website that has a link in the form of http://www.domain.com/anything the relative server would need to figure out the kind of file or webpage is on the address but if you put a slash (/) at the end of your link, the server would know that it is a directory page and that will greatly reduce the loading time of the website. You can know more about this just by clicking here.

Use the Proper Tags

Many developers forget about putting the relative height and width tags on the image codes. If your developer doesn’t know the importance of these tags, then you need to hire the services of web development company that knows how to use them and more importantly, what for. The use of these tags will tell the browser about the height and width of the image before loading it and the browser will reserve a spot for that image while it loads the whole page, which ultimately will speed up the whole loading process. You can click here and learn more about it.

Reduce HTTP Request

When any webpage is opened, every single object involved in the process like, scripts, lines and images would have to go back to the server again. These continuous round trips will increase the latency and increase the amount of seconds to the load time. The proper solution to that problem is that you need to use less number of objects and merge all CSS files and scripts together. The table layouts should be used carefully you can use CSS div layouts, which are much lighter. You are more than welcome to contact us for further questions and queries.

Posted by muqtadaegenie on Tue, 04/23/2013 - 1:24am

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