There are other nice additions

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There are other nice additions. The team formation screen has been updated, allowing you to Buy Fifa 15 Coins to each position. You can click on the photo image of your left-sided attacker, for example, and order him to make support runs, keep wide, stay central get in behind his fellow forward or drop short and defend. “You can set up your team to be a lot more tactical, to get them to play a specific style for you,” says Channon. And within the match, the d-pad can be used to plan set-pieces (a feature taken from the World Cup game) as well as to change player mentality on the fly.

Other changes sound just like the stuff we’ve been told in previous iterations. “Teams are now analysing situations in more depth,” says Channon. “If we’re playing and you’re 1-0 up with ten minutes to go, the AI will start to recognise the situation. My players will go into all-out attack; they’ll push more men forward - you’ll start to see more variety in play, it won’t feel as repetitive. We want the AI to feel like playing a human – they’re even time waste now, they’ll take the ball to the corner. We’ve got more intelligence in the wide areas too, players will more actively try to beat you to the ball.”

And while all this is going on, the game’s player and crowd animations track the narrative of the match too. “We’ve done a lot of work on the context of the matches, on players and teams knowing what’s at stake,” says Channon. “City v Liverpool is a big game, one of the biggest in the season, so that atmosphere will feel different, much more intense – the intelligent crowd know that. If it’s not going to well, they react.”

And it’s not going well for Liverpool. I start the scoring with a beautiful chipped goal from the 18-yard line, courtesy of Toure. Immediately he’s besieged by blue shirts, thanks to the new ten-man goal celebrations. The home crowd is deathly silent. I go on to claim a penalty and two more quick goals. I think Channon is distracted, or letting me win.

Whatever, its easy to get caught up in the atmosphere. The Fifa team recorded ambient sound at 20 Premier League matches last season, using multiple microphones, picking up on chants and jeers. And sure enough, from the far end, the sound of Blue Moon can be heard echoing through Anfield.

Long-anticipated FIFA 15 Xbox One Coins For Sale at is released on 23 September in North America and 25-26 September throughout Europe on most current platforms. Keith Stuart attended GamesCom on a press trip with accommodation and travel paid for by Electronic Arts. For information on paid-for trips, please see the Guardian editorial code or this article on transparency and trust.

Posted by coins15forsale on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 6:51pm

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