Ubisoft fifa 15 coins urges

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Ubisoft fifa 15 coins urges change of uPlay countersign afterwards aegis aperture Annual Edge Neil Affiliated at 0522pm July 2 2013 All bold players with a Ubisoft annual should change their countersign afterwards a aegis aperture at the publisher. Ubisoft issued a annual a moment ago advertence that one of its websites has been exploited to accretion crooked admission to some of Ubisofts systems. Abstracts was illegally accessed from our annual database, including user names, email addresses and encrypted passwords, said Ubisoft

No claimed transaction advice is stored with Ubisoft, acceptation your debit/credit agenda advice was safe from this intrusion. The administrator aswell recommends that anyone with an annual changes their countersign on any added Web website or annual breadth you use the aforementioned or a agnate password. Users with an complete Ubisoft annual can change their countersign here.

Posted by fifacionsyou on Thu, 11/27/2014 - 4:37pm

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