www.vgmmo.com appeared with aeration the ball instead of the past with hair filling of ball called a "blanket

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Football is to dominate the ball of the foot to a ball game. fifa 15 fut coins Modern football was carried out the most extensive and influential in the world of sport, http://www.vgmmo.com/ someone referred to it as "the world's first sport", "sport of Kings" by the people in ancient China called kick "cuju". As early as the warring States more than 2000 years ago, there will be a kickball game. Built during the Western Han dynasty have "bowed in the domain" intended solely for competition use. Is kickball activity periods of prosperity in the Tang dynasty, appeared with aeration the ball instead of the past with hair filling of ball called a "blanket". With a goal instead of a bow. In the West, after the 10th century AD, France, and Italy and the United Kingdom and other countries there was a football game. Into the end of the 15th century, the "football" said. Later evolved into the modern sport of football. October 26, 1863, the British established the world's first football organization in London--United Kingdom football associations, and harmonization of the rules of football. People call this day the birth of modern football. The rules of football a total of 14, it is the Foundation of today's soccer rules. Starting from 1900 the 2nd Olympic Games, football is listed as an official event of the Olympic Games. But it does not allow professional athletes to participate. On May 21, 1904 FIFA was founded in Paris. From 1930 onwards, held every 4 years the world football championship (also known as football World Cup). Game restrictions on professional athletes. Since then, modern football's growing soccer venue of 100-110 metres long, 64 75 meters wide, and supported their turf. Painted in the midfield line, circle, the kickoff point, the penalty area (the area), the penalty arc, the goal and the penalty spot; corner flags inserted four corners and to draw arcs of RADIUS 1 m.

Posted by Arle51cy on Mon, 09/01/2014 - 9:01pm

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