Need an escort for men?s channel?

As of Monday night, one of our 4 crews has opted out of the men?s channel leaving the escort boat without a crew to escort. His name is Jeff Muir and has a 26? yellow fin. Never really got to meet the guy other than speaking to him on the phone, but he knows what he is doing and would be a great pick up for a crew looking for an escort.

I do not know his phone number, but I do have his e-mail ( sorry Jeff if I gave out your e-mail );

Aloha, Eddie

Submitted by EddieHayward on Tue, 09/29/2009 - 1:50pm

don't need escort boat but looking for extra paddler
call 306-9461

#1 Tue, 09/29/2009 - 4:19pm

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