Sambo's Rudders

Anyone have contact info?

Submitted by Jibofo on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 1:20pm

Is that nb1376's guy? I bought one of those...prompt service and a solid product. Quickly delivered in a cut up Wheaties box!

#1 Tue, 12/01/2009 - 1:39pm

I love the rudders. Nice to switch from kelp rudder to surf rudder here in the Cali races.

Sam Couch

#2 Tue, 12/01/2009 - 2:21pm


#3 Tue, 12/01/2009 - 3:17pm

Sent you a PM with my phone number and email. I've been pretty busy with school and stuff but I'll get you in touch with them or set you up with what you need.


#4 Tue, 12/01/2009 - 6:55pm

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