Specifics of Canoe and Paddler Performance in PA'A

Am very interested in hearing SPECIFIC observations and feedback re: the performance of the non-spec boats in this race. What was the exact weight of each non-spec boat? How did the non-spec boats handle big water? Does lighter ALWAYS = faster? If not, why not? What unique problems were encountered with the non-spec boats? Did the non-spec boats make a significant difference, or would the crews have performed just as well in spec boats?

Also, I would like to hear from the paddlers re: the demands of performing this race iron, and how that relates to their training regimen. Inquiring minds want to know..........muchas mahalo.

Submitted by jerryguy on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 4:14am

jerry, have a look at other threads on this topic.

difference between 1st (LW) and 3rd (spec) in men's division was 16 minutes.

!st and 2nd in womens' division were both spec canoes.

it's the crew, not the canoe

#1 Mon, 05/24/2010 - 1:43pm

Lightwewight is always "faster"(less drag) but at what price $$$, Carbon is 10X the Cost of glass so really light can be really expensive!
Any "iron" race is going to be slower as the paddlers have to pace themselves to the finish.I'm sure some longer training sessions were done!

#2 Mon, 05/24/2010 - 2:51pm

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