Anybody got Pa'a 'Eono details?

Based on rumors and the poster posted in events, it looks like the Paa Eono Hoe is now 2 days, Maui to Molokai on Saturday and Molokai to Oahu on Sunday. Sounds like lots of fun! Can anybody provide any more details? That post is from a month ago and the only thing on the Paa website is the canoe classification guidelines.

Any available details would be appreciated, but in particular I'd like to know if paddlers can be changed out between days, or is the same 6 paddlers both days? It's only a couple months away and would like to know if we should look for more guys to train with (though maybe the rest of us are crazy like me and wanna do both days). It would also be nice to know about how much the entry fee will be so we can budget accordingly.

Submitted by MalikoJunkie on Sun, 03/06/2011 - 2:19pm

Race details for the solo, relay, and eono hoe should be up sometime this week.

#1 Sun, 03/06/2011 - 5:01pm

Some questions:

Now that it's posted who will be participating?

Will the 200 pound minimum weight limit deter any teams from competing like Kamanu or Livestrong?

What are some of the reasons to put a weight restriction?

Is the sport suffering because of the canoes recent progression or benefitting?

#2 Mon, 03/21/2011 - 8:45am

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