OC1 rudder & hull repair

Hi all,

two or three questions here.
The title tells all. Paddling my OC, I felt my hull go over something so quickly (relative to my poor reaction time) that my rudder struck it before I could react. Inspecting immediately, I found the rudder shaft bent enough to drive the back part of the rudder up into my hull. I returned to the put in and dumped 8-10 lb of water out.

This has happened before. Hoping my boat would cooperate, I tried to paddle my boat sans rudder after repairing the first incursion, but couldn't control the canoe. Condemned to using a rudder, I know this will happen again, but now wonder if anyone has an opinion on cutting off the rear upper corner of the rudder?

Filled the 2nd defect with epoxy thickened with wood flour and silica stuff. Does anyone know of a product more durable than masking tape to protect unaffected hull while I'm sanding down the filler?

BTW, I noticed rudder shafts for sale new at $35. In an ambitious day, I may bite the bullet & make a 3-4" rudder. Will 3" be too short?

Thank you.

Submitted by kayak4water on Wed, 05/25/2011 - 12:34pm

3M makes a sanding tape that takes more work to cut though to protect around the repair

3"-4" rudder will be fine for flat water - I assume your paddling in flat water.

#1 Thu, 05/26/2011 - 12:09pm

I've made a couple of 4" and 5" rudders for my OC1 and they work
very well, improved the glide factor considerably. Not really too
difficult of a project. I have a few extra rudder bars left over that I'll
let go at a discount. Send me a private message if your interested.

#2 Fri, 05/27/2011 - 4:42am

When sanding use multiple layers of 3m 233+ masking tape. Be sure to remove tape as soon as sanding is finished.

#3 Sat, 05/28/2011 - 7:19am

233+ is the green one

#4 Sat, 05/28/2011 - 7:20am

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