Tahitian burning a$$e$

So ? Is everybody dead here ? Noone's gonna say something about Tahitians getting their asses kicked by Kiwis at World Sprints ? You can even add Aussies to the list of people kicking our paddlers a$$e$ ! Who would have bet on that just a week ago ?

Here's what Va'a News Magazine published on their FB page :

Une énorme "BAFFE" ! Voilà ce qu'on a ressenti ici en Australie après cette marée "NOIRE" Néo Zélandaise qui est venue littéralement balayer les Fourmis Rouges Tahitienne.
Les 17ème Championnats du Monde de Vitesse de Va'a avait pourtant bien débuté hier après la qualification en finale (relativement facilement) de toutes les équipes Tahitiennes. Oui mais voilà, on avait pas encore croisé la route des Néo Zélandais !!! Aujourd'hui, Tahiti est K.O debout. Personne n'avait imaginé un seul instant que l'on puisse perdre dans les catégories reines que nous dominions sans partage depuis tant d'années à savoir le V6 500m Open Homme et Open Femme et c'est pourtant ce qui s'est passé sur le plan d'eau de SUNSHINE COAST en AUSTRALIE.
Le Bilan est plutôt lourd : Aucune médaille d'Or chez les Femmes, Les Hommes quand à eux perdent en V6 500m. Seuls les Juniors Homme auront rempli le contrat.
Que s'est il passé ??? et bien tout simplement, au vu des résultats et de la manière dont les évènements se sont passés, la Nouvelle Zélande nous a donné une véritable leçon de Va'a. Cohésion totale entre les rameurs, Synchronisation parfaite, Technique au top, Mental de guerrier mais surtout beaucoup, beaucoup de travail visiblement. Les chronos sont là pour le prouver, ce n'est pas un hasard, il n'y a pas d'excuses à chercher, aujourd'hui la NOUVELLE ZÉLANDE domine la planète va'a, du moins les courses de vitesses.
Si on ajoute les deux médailles d'or remportées par Patrick VIRIAMU en Para Va'a, nous égalisons à 6-6 mais à quel prix !!!
Une chose est certaine, aujourd'hui Tahiti ne fait plus peur, Tahiti n'est plus intouchable, Tahiti a un genou à terre et il va nous falloir travailler dur pour ne pas avoir de nouvelles désillusions dans deux ans sur nos propres eaux !
Place maintenant aux Championnats du Monde " Clubs ", nous voilà averti, il va falloir aller à la guerre !!

Submitted by Hiro C. on Tue, 05/10/2016 - 6:58pm

Translated for non-french speaking readers.
This was published yesterday.

A huge SLAP ! That's what we felt here in Australia after this BLACK tide coming from New Zealand literally sweeping theTahitians Red Ants away.
The 17th World Sprints had however started well yesterday after the relatively easy qualification of every Tahitian team for the Finals. But we still had to cross the path of New Zealanders !!! Today, Tahiti is K.O. Nobody ever considered for a moment that we could lose the most important titles : V6 500m Open Men and Open Women after reigning unchallenged over these divisions for so many years. Yet that is what happened on the waters of Sunshine Coast Australia.
The assesment is rather disapointing : No Gold Medal for Women, Men losing the V6 500m. Junior Men being the only ones to honor their contract.
What happened ? The answer is simple and straight, New Zealand gave us a real "How to paddle a va'a" lesson. Padller's cohesion, perfect timing, Top level technique, Warrior spirit, and obviously a lot of practice. Their times are there to prove it : they're no here by chance. We can't look for excuses. NEW ZEALAND rules over the Va'a Sprints Planet.
If we count the two gold medals won by Patrick VIRIAMU in Para Va'a, we can claim 6-6 but that sounds like a joke !!!
One thing is certain, Tahiti is no longer dreadful, Tahiti is no longer unreachable, Tahiti went down on bended knee. We will have to work hard if we don't want to see the story repeat itself in two years on our own waters !
Now to the Club races, we have been warned, we must prepare for war !!

#1 Tue, 05/10/2016 - 7:49pm

Wow. Mahalo for sharing. Hiro, do you know if Tahiti sent some of their top paddlers to World Sprints? I know a couple of them are in Hawaii for the solo, and some are doing the Air france paddle fest. In any case, hats off to NZ.

#2 Wed, 05/11/2016 - 11:25am

The Federation did a selection. Some of the top guys, wining V1 races in Thiti are not part of this selection... It's a big deal here for some people. But we all know that being fast on 500m in a straight line on flat water do no require the same skills one need for being the fastest in open ocean for a 30km race...

#3 Wed, 05/11/2016 - 9:54pm

Oh and I must say, there's a lot of respect for New Zealanders here. You won't hear anyone saying they won because we didn't send the best people available.

#4 Wed, 05/11/2016 - 9:56pm

Thanks for the insight. One thing I noticed from Rambo's footage, both Tahiti and New Zealand turn the canoe amazingly fast. Very impressive to watch.

#5 Thu, 05/12/2016 - 10:27am

Even the Tahitian Media are having a field day with the situation, few more days for Tahiti to make amends.


#6 Thu, 05/12/2016 - 11:39am

The World Sprint event is what it is. Hawaii among others does not send it's best paddlers, or rarely has, much like Tahiti or other far away places. it seems like a nice venue for older master paddlers or for those who simply like the camaraderie of being around and meeting others!

#7 Sun, 05/15/2016 - 3:49pm

Hawaii is the only "country" that does not organize when going to World's. We basically send our club teams to race against national teams from other areas. Apples and oranges. No doubt our Uncles and Aunties kicked ass but Juniors and Open were in over their heads with the exception of 1 or 2 crew who placed third. Hawaii does not place a high value on Sprints as other countries do, that's it. In 2010 in New Caledonia, Tahitis junior and open men were exceptionally good. Most of them are now members of professional teams and coming to Molokai and kicking our ass. I predict in a year or two, New Zealand will be coming to Molokai to write their story as well.

#8 Mon, 05/16/2016 - 7:49am

New Zealand worked hard and it really paid off. Sprints and distance are two different disciplines. I can't wait to how 2017 distance worlds plays out. Nations will no doubt take it more seriously. No clubs teams. Just send your best.

#9 Thu, 05/26/2016 - 3:44pm

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