Best way to secure OC1 for long (14 hour) drive?

Hi everyone,
3 years after moving from Maui to Wyoming, I'm at last getting another OC1.

Since Maui was short driving distances, and I had cradles on my Jeep - I'm curious if this is the best method for long distances and higher speeds.

I now have a Subaru Impreza, with factory cross bars.....just wondering if hull up, or hull down (in cradles), is the best option.
I'll be driving from San Francisco to Wyoming (about 14 hours).

Mahalo for any advice!

Submitted by Wahine71 on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 8:21am

Hi. There are several solutions. A lot of folks here--me included, have gotten racks from Cliff at or They're terrific racks that will bolt on to your Subaru's cross racks. A long rail about 6-8 feet extends forward and back with 2 V-cradles at the end--giving you a really safe span. He offers an option that makes the cradles easily removable. Take a look and have a great journey. Jocko

#1 Sun, 04/28/2019 - 7:32pm

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