boat blending

A question for all the wise ones. I'm trying to understand the concept of boat blending for the OC6. What should I be aware of both in the boat and watching a boat from the dock? Any help is appreciated.

Submitted by Rona on Sat, 02/12/2005 - 2:31pm

I'm deffinetely not one of the wise ones, but i dont think the wise ones like to talk a lot, and i love to talk so..... here's what i know
When you're in the canoe it should feel smooth, if you stop paddling and just sit, like if you're steering--- cause all we do is sit and cruise back there--- you should feel the boat accelerate through the catch, like a smooth jerk, or a surge, that should move your whole body back, but gotta be smooth.. and two surges is deffinetely bad, if you're feeling it accelerate then accelerate again that means people are applying pressure at different times. If you're watching from the shore just watch the timing and you can tell by watching people when they're putting pressure on the blade-- if everyones the same then they're blending. i think it's easiest to tell in a canoe though, it might look good from shore, but the people in the canoe know best-- they know when they're gliding and when the canoe feels heavy

#1 Tue, 02/15/2005 - 9:29am

This is a loaded subject but for a quick referance consult this link ( and click on "Crew Selelection slide show" it a has clear power point presentation on just this subject.

Crew blending is THE most important aspect in having a good race and placing well.

#2 Tue, 02/15/2005 - 10:00am

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