Ala Wai Spill

Aloha Paddlers,

First of all congratulations to all those who paddled in the State race, given the no winds and swell conditons. I paddled from Hawaii Kai to Kaimana, and boy it was flat. What I wanted to get off my chest is, have any of you noticed the difference in the water conditions from around Diamond Head inward towards Waikiki. Yesterday it was real flat and clear, I could not, nor could some of my group of paddlers notice that there is a difference in the water color. Although clear it had a haze or tinge to it. This has to be from the Ala Wai Spill, mother nature has tried to clean it up but, it may be awhile before it is back to clear blue. We were very fortunate to be in the presence of some spinner Dolphin, they were enjoying the flat conditons and allowed us paddlers go along with them. But as we got closer to the hazy water, they broke off for us to finish our run.

I hope the water gets better maybe with he southern swell season approaching it will do this naturally. I just really want to give everyone the heads up this is what I noticed and we all need to aware of our beautiful waters that we play in. Be sure to shower well after your run, and cover any cuts.


Submitted by nalu on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 10:30am

Nalu, I have to disagree with you on the ala wai spill making the water dirty. Its taking too much heat and it's quite fustrating how people are so quick to blame the sewage spill for everything. Everyone forget the weeks and weeks of rain we had, which accounted for much of the runoff in the ocean around ala moana and waikiki. The run off, and not the sewage, accounts for most of the filth in the water. The ala wai spill is just too easy to blame rather than man's mismanagement of the land creating run off that pollutes our oceans. Remember that the alawai canals collects water from much of Metro Oahu (manoa, pauoa, palolo, mcully, maikiki, waikiki, etc) and this then runs into the ocean. All the chemicals, garbage, litter, trash we put on our streets and land wash into the ocean. How come no one is blaming themselves for polluting the ocean? It's human nature to point fingers.

I believe run off is the culprit and not the sewage. Of course the sewage played a role but a very minor one.

#1 Tue, 05/02/2006 - 4:50pm

If there is anyone that would know about this it would be a guy named poopoopaddler. That said, the ala wai has always been dirty. Ala moana yacht harbor has always been dirty. Paddlers have always gotten staph and other infections from paddling there. Is there anyone who can argue that it has ever been clean? Maybe the first day it was built. Don't forget Magic Island was built on a LANDFILL. But as Mr. Poopoo said, we've been dumping all kinds of crap into our water for years. We should all be embarassed about what happened.

#2 Wed, 05/03/2006 - 12:22am

poopoopaddler and jc9 0 you are both correct, all the rains have caused this mess also. We as humans need to try and stand-up to our elected officals and demand solutions. But until this happens our beloved ocean is going to suffer. I agree that the Ala wai has always been a mess. This sewage spill has been a big wake up call.

#3 Wed, 05/03/2006 - 9:25am

The Ala Wai has always been filthy from day one and those who paddle in it know this to be true.

This morning's news coverage included a story about our local paddling clubs and their decision to stay out of the canal until the State/County cleans it and makes it safe. The reporter mentioned something to the effect that while paddlers have always considered the canal to be a place to train and practice, the State has always considered the canal to be a "drainage ditch," used as a culvert for run-off water.

Unless the State/County changes its position on the canal, the State/County will continue to use the canal as a drainage ditch and treat it as such....and those who use it to paddle should not expect anything more.

I personally have no problem with the State/County's position on the matter. If paddlers and the public want it changed, there's a political process for that. However, what I do have a problem with is the fact that the while the State/County continues to treat the canal as a ditch, they continue to act as though it is a public water park or water way by issuing permits to paddling clubs. Either declare it a wastewater ditch and treat it as such by prevening the public from using it or clean it up and treat it as a public water way. Don't continue to treat it as a wastewater ditch and act as if its some public water park or water way that's ok for use as a public recreation facility.

#4 Wed, 05/03/2006 - 2:16pm


Thanks that was excellent reply. WE ALL care, because we paddle.

#5 Thu, 05/04/2006 - 9:07am

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