
these don't sound very fun.

Submitted by keizo on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 1:59pm

The Portuguese Man of Wars are enough fun for me.

#1 Wed, 03/28/2007 - 2:15pm

I saw a show on the Discovery Channel about these and they are really small, and really nasty. I believe it said that they are one of the deadliest creatures in the oceans.

#2 Wed, 03/28/2007 - 2:21pm

Irukandji are nasty but not generally deadly. We've only had two deaths that I know of in the last 20 years in all of North Queensland and both people had severe allergic reactions like some people have to bee stings. Ironically enough, both of the victims were stung INSIDE the jellyfish-proof protection nets that are on all local swimming beaches here in the summertime. Now the Box Jellies, they're the deadly ones.

Climate change (which doesn't really exist according to the Australian government) is extending the range, though. But then, the same could be said of crocodiles....

#3 Wed, 03/28/2007 - 4:03pm

yeah i can vouch for the nastiness of box jellies. my wife got stung by one and had to go to the ER because she was in so much pain and was having so much swelling. think she was even running a pretty good fever too. not fun at all. on the plus side she got hooked up with some pretty amazing pain killers.

yeah kann ich vouch für die Abscheulichkeit der Kastengelees. meine Frau erhielt durch eine gestochen und mußte zu gehen ÄH, weil sie soviel in den Schmerz war und soviel das Schwellen hatte. denken, daß sie sogar ein hübsches gutes Fieber auch laufen ließ. nicht Spaß an allen. auf der Plusseite erhielt sie oben mit einigen hübschen erstaunlichen Schmerzmördern angespannt.

yeah I can vouch for the horribleness of the box jellies. my wife kept stung by one and had to go to ÄH, because it was as many into the pain and as much swelling had. it thinks that she let a pretty good fever also run even. not fun at all. on the plus side it kept strained with some pretty amazing pain murderers above.

#4 Wed, 03/28/2007 - 5:19pm

Ich liebe pain murderers.

#5 Thu, 03/29/2007 - 10:49am

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