Foam core vs Standard lay-up 6-MAN ONLY!

OK we all saw the last thread on this topic get hijacked by one-manners.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on FOAM CORE SIX-MANS? Does the stiffness make a difference?

Ok thanks


Submitted by poopoopaddler on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 7:30pm

What, are you thinking about buying your own six-man, and you don't have five friends with whom you can do research with?

...that's right, "whom".

#1 Tue, 07/31/2007 - 7:40pm

I'm going to venture out on an uneducated limb and say yes, solely based on my one experience steering a new lightning. The boat was unbelievably responsive, easy to paddle steer, caught every little bump and flew on big ones. I'm not really sure which type of lightning it was (there are three different ones, right?), but it was one of the two more expensive ones... I believe it was foam-core... I was kind of not paying very good attention when people were talking about all the technical details cuz I was dying to just get in and try it. Maybe I just liked that boat. Maybe it was stiffer. I really can't say for sure! But all the girls I polled agree that stiffer IS better.

#2 Wed, 08/01/2007 - 11:49am

In my experience ( and i've been around a long time ), MOST girls like it STIFFER.

Yeah, its always "the Stiffer the better", ask any girl, paddler or not !!

#3 Wed, 08/01/2007 - 12:32pm

"Pablo Escobar" aka major colombian druglord shot a while ago on a rooftop maybe in Cartagena or Medellin. You should be dead like a doorknob.

Congratulations my man. Just like Jesus you came back from the dead.
What are your plans?

#4 Wed, 08/01/2007 - 4:06pm

paddlelikeagirl, cool observations. Never thought about the steering aspect of it. anyone else?


#5 Thu, 08/02/2007 - 12:22pm

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