Paddle distances

Some of you may be aware of this site ( It's a great site that allows you to figure out distances anywhere. You enter waypoints and it gives you miles, kilometers, etc. for whatever route you input. Not quite as detailed as a gps on your kanu, but considering I don't own a gps and the site is free, it's a great alternative!
Just thought I'd share it since I found it so useful.

Submitted by jh on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 1:17pm


Mahalo for that site, I agree it does not take your exact route
but if you flag certain points you can get a rough distance.
Thanx again

#1 Fri, 09/14/2007 - 4:21am

google earth does allow precise measurements; it has a ruler and a path tool in the menu. It is a free download.

#2 Sat, 09/15/2007 - 5:37pm

I agree with earth is the way to go. Very easy to use and very accuret.

#3 Mon, 09/17/2007 - 12:00pm

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