Another injury

My left elbow is killing me. I first thought I must of hit it on something because it felt bruised to the touch, but then I found when I grab things or flex my wrist doing simple things like closing a car door I feel the pain. I am new to OC1, so I am assuming a poor mechanic on my stroke (I have noticed I tend to roll my wrist inward on the recovery on my left side). Any suggestions? Are bent shaft paddles an answer to this?


Submitted by zumapop on Sat, 11/17/2007 - 5:41am

Wooden shaft, ice, ibuprofen, rest etc. I had a similar thing, started lifting weights again, it went away.

#1 Sat, 11/17/2007 - 6:58am

I had a similar problem which was resolved through massage. Apparently if you let your forearm tighten up too much it stresses your elbow joint. I guess this could be due to poor technique but I prefer to attribute it to overuse. A good massage therapist can determine which muscles need attention by which exact point on your elbow hurts. Or you can just massage your whole forearm yourself. Or you can whine until one of your friends massages it to shut you up.

#2 Sat, 11/17/2007 - 7:12pm

I'd put money its coming from your neck...

#3 Mon, 11/19/2007 - 2:36pm

Sounds like tendinitis, as in over use, due to new to OC1 happiness. Try to keep your arms straight so you use more hip rotation and less arm paddling.
Find someone (chiro, masseuse) with anatomical knowledge and have them show you which muscle counter-balances the one that hurts and how to exercise (strengthen) that one. It can be as simple as a rubberband around your finger tips with you stretching that band by spreading your fingers.
You end up strengthening the opposite muscles which you use for paddling and therefore achieve balance.
That approach has helped me twice.
If you are west coast SoCal I've got the man for you.
In the mean time ice and anti-inflammatories. The ibus or relafen if you can get a prescription.
I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV either. lol
just 2 more cents

#4 Mon, 11/19/2007 - 6:42pm

Self care is the key to any physical well being. I have paddled for 27 yrs. and am a 2 time Olympic Muscular Therapist (1984 & 2002 Olympic Games). I have found many factors to injury prevention, but the most overlooked and neglected paddler flaw is EFFECTIVE WARM UP/WARM DOWN. Strengthening the injured muscles are not the answer. You have strengthened... without preparation... which leads to injury. There are 2 basic warm up catagories: Formal & Informal. To much to explain here. It is to bad you have gotten to this point. The greatest anti-inflammatory is ICE. Pills do not know to go to your elbow, consequently, their action effects ALL VESSELS, including those in your brain. Paddling smart, means smart preparation. Before entering the water, prepare your body before you prepare your canoe. I am nearing completion of my first publication for self-care and physical preparation for paddling. Included in this publication are techniques of "Informal & Formal" warm up routines. Contact me if you would like more information at:
For now, warm up lightly (not agressive), ice after paddling (15 minutes on 45 minutes off) and anytime in between. Leave the pills in the bottle.

#5 Tue, 11/20/2007 - 9:12am

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