Just Landed from Mars

For my fellow CamGuru mates on this forum ... my latest wireless HQ SuckerCam.

This little baby i made to suction mount onto any flat or curved surface, like an OC6 front or rear deck or as i have just done, behind me on the "Peggie OC1".

It has 520 line Bullet Cam with 10 hour battery and Digital Recorder in the Pelican box. The picture quality is awesome. I have 2 lens for it, 127 degree wide angle and 90 standard. Weight is around 3LB.

This thing sticks like a leech, and after huliing big time yesterday in big surf, never moved. I do attach a lanyard just in case though.

Upping some raw footage tonite, so you can see the unreal perspective from behind me on the Peggie.

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CHeers Rambo

Submitted by Rambo on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 9:56pm

This is the view from the Suction Cam

For better Quality download the compressed avi file.


Cheers Rambo

#1 Sat, 01/19/2008 - 3:54am


Now you can sell advertising on your back.

I bet for $10,000 you would even get a tattoo of Foster's on your back.

Keep up the great work. It is appreciated around the world

#2 Sat, 01/19/2008 - 6:30am

Rambo, Painteur, et al., the variety of equipment is huge. Could anyone sort of point the novice in the right direction? Maybe describe a cheap system and a mac-daddy dream system?

#3 Sat, 01/19/2008 - 7:35am

You mean like this Kona J ???

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#4 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 12:38am

They do have temporary tattoos like that. If I'm not mistaken I've seen them on Beach Volley ball guys in tournaments. It's just when you wash it off, it stays for a while as a pale shadow that didn't get tanned.

Jim as far as equpiment goes and most bang for the buck and for a macdaddy like myself my choice would be:
All you need is a cheap card reader and a 2gig card and you are in business.

My dream setup would be 3 cameras 1 forward 1 rearward and 1 with panning ability remote controlled with a wireless, lightweight unit built into the carbon T-handle of your paddle with buttons at the end of the T. Thumb works the rotation. Pinky does the stop and go.
All of that waterproof of course.

#5 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 8:27am

Ditto on the GoPro Jim, they are quick to set up and cheap.

Painteur, this is what i did to my GoPros. It will the fit on to any 1/4 inch camera tripod or accessory mount, make it more versatile. Just superglue the threaded adapter onto the rear.

Not a big fan of the HelmetCam as it gives jerky footage, but it can be useful.

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And DogCam of course

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#6 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 1:19pm

Thanks guys! Rambo, what brand is the 520 Bullet cam pictured earlier in this thread?

#7 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 2:45pm

SONY 1/3" SUPER HAD CCD 520 line model KPC-HD230CWX

Cheers Rambo

#8 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 4:31pm

while our friend Rambo is once again out ahead on teh bleeding edge, it appears the manufacturers have caught up with him.. just got this info from my supplier, looks very similar to the Rambo efforts.


Jim, I have one of these you can demo if you like - bring an SD card to the next race, I'll supply the batteries! ( oh wait.. that sounded bad...)

"the ocean experience"

#9 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 6:30pm

I'm holding out for the wide angle version for Camera #3

#10 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 6:41pm

Yep Roscoe, the GoPro boys know me well, had many emails from them re my mounts.

Their next major upgrade will be a wide angle lens, which the customers have been crying out for for ages. There is an after market mount wide angle lens that works on the GoPro, you just have to glue on a mounting ring. (this is the only one i know of that works, as the GoPRo does not have a focus function, it's fixed)

MotorSports is a big selling market for them and they actually race their own open wheelers.

Very versatile little camera is the GoPro.

Cheers Rambo

#11 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 6:49pm

I don't even know what an SD card is Roscoe! Unfrozen Caveman paddler...

#12 Mon, 01/21/2008 - 7:06pm


That is completely cool. It reminds me of when I attached a “Knight Rider” type computer system to my canoe during an OC-1 race last year. It spoke and analyzed everything during the race. I thought “K.I.T.T” was a dumb name and would get your ass beat in school so I named my computer “M.O.K.E” Here is the re-cap of the race:

Launching Canoe-

M.O.K.E(Pidgin): Who Brah! You when gain five pounds from last race? Damn!!

M.O.K.E(Standard English): I have done a diagnostic check of the canoe and it appears that we are five pounds heavier that previous race

KONA J(me): It is probably your batteries, Now shut up and find me a good line at the start.

Approaching Start Line-

M.O.K.E(Pidgin):Chance EM! Go inside

M.O.K.E(Standard English):I have studied and analyzed wave action, tide, and wind. The inside line will be faster.

KONA J: You guys analyze I feel. The outside feels fast.

Close to start-

M.O.K.E (Pidgin): You F’ing Panty. You are scared of the reef and waves on the inside.

M.O.K.E (Standard English): Kona J, it appears there are only two-mans and old people on the outside with us. You will need to paddle very fast in order to catch the inside paddlers

KONA J: Have you ever had your RAM Rammed? Now Shut Up. So I can focus on the start.

10-minutes into Race

M.O.K.E (Pidgin): We are getting smoked like a fat one.

M.O.K.E (Standard English): You are currently 92 out of 105 participants. 54 out of 55 Open Men

KONA J: You know I didn’t see the start flag and everyone caught lucky wave but me.

30-minutes into race-Computer programmed to give me a pep talk

M.O.K.E (Pidgin): Try pass one boat. I like how you are hanging with the Wahines -Sweet, but da Snot and gross overheating won’t get you a ride home.

M.O.K.E (Standard English): You look good. You selected the right Sunscreen for this race. Good job!

10-minutes left in race

Kona J-Hit the nitrous Hit it now. I think I am dying. Emergency call to ambulance. Stat.

M.O.K.E (Pidgin): Brah you are losing it. You are an F’ing joke.

M.O.K.E (Standard English): No Comment. I suggest we immediately run the excuses program.

Kona J-Good idea. Analyze all excuses I have used in the past and select the best and most believable

M.O.K.E (Pidgin): Here is my suggestion. You just suck ass

M.O.K.E. (Standard English): It will take about 2 hours to review all of the excuses used in the past.

Kona J: You’re fired. Here are my excuses and I am sticking to them. I was in a fight with BJ Penn last night. My rudder cable broke and I hit a whale. Time to buy a new canoe and paddle.

Thank God the new Knight Rider is coming out. I knew my hair would be back in style again. Magnum P.I eat your heart out.

#13 Wed, 02/06/2008 - 9:58am

Kona J, that's what the little man in my head says EVERY time i race.

Cheers Rambo

#14 Thu, 02/07/2008 - 1:14am

A more comfortable HeadCam than a Helmet. Just buy a headlamp torch and remove the torch and attach the GoPro.

You may need to use a wedge of foam to get the right angle.

There is also a strap running over the top of the head, i also attach a lanyard the GoPro and tie around my neck.

Get some interesting looks when i wear this driving too training , fun playing back all the footage later ... very funny.

Cheers Rambo

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#15 Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:42pm

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