Sea Creature

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The sea was angry that day my friends. The day was March 11, 2008. The place was outside Sprecklesville on the island of Maui. I had been here once before under different circumstances....but that is another story. Departing from my scheduled workout for the day I decided to venture outside beautiful Kahului Harbor to do an out and back course. Starting upwind along the coast and then out around the surf break I finished with the wind back into the Harbor. However, this wasn't just any usual ho hum OC1 paddling exercise. As I was surfing my majestic pahoa, in mint condition mind you, in some small troughs my pahoa and I came to a soft sudden stop. The hull of the boat was raised off the turbulent ocean into the air. Instinctively I put my paddle over my ama and leaned to the left. The boat and I were then flicked over by an unknown mass from beneath. I wont lie to you friends I was terrified! I got back into the boat faster than ever before and caught the next immediate bump. Obviously I survived however my pahoa needed some counseling following the incident. The culprit is unknown but I am guessing one of the following: Giant squid, killer whale, screaming eel, great white or just some kind of whale.

Posted by R O on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 4:04pm


Seems like large sea creatures love Pahoas. Almost the same thing happened to a mate here in Queensland Australia on his Pahoa. Lifted clean out of the water and dumped, Pahoa was snapped in half. Claims he never saw anything other than the feeling of being elevated above the water and hitting down hard. Most likely a Whale. Only evidence of contact was barnacle scratches on the hull

Treasure the memory RO
Cheers Rambo

#1 Thu, 03/20/2008 - 4:18pm

R O, you have to put this story in the forum; this story is too good to be kept on your personal blog. Spread the wealth!

#2 Fri, 03/21/2008 - 2:52pm

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