
Aloha all does anybody have anything to say concerning rutters and design there of...???

Submitted by eddiesurfhawaii on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 3:26pm

sure do,
a rutter is a horny buck intent on copulating with Ms. Deer. God designed it.

#1 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 4:07pm

dammit beat me to the punch...

kamanu composites has some nice rutters, as well as rudders for sale.

#2 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 4:35pm

Painteur, I never had you pegged as an intelligent design man. Ocpaddler online Bible study 9 PM Pacific!

#3 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 4:19pm

...should have said allegedly designed by God. After all, what's with my nipples, what were they designed for ??

#4 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 4:54pm

Why, piercing, of course!

#5 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 4:56pm

I just want to know if rutters are going to replace chines. Will there be a Rutter Boy? Burning questions of our time.

#6 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 5:16pm

Nipples are to stop your chest from chaffing on your paddle shirt on long paddles. They act like a bearing surface. You do enjoy chaffing ... don't you. Hahaaa.

Vegemite on the nipples fixes everything.

What's this got to do with rutters anyway?

#7 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 6:00pm

To Rut or Not to Rut that is the Question. I'm leaning towards rutting.

And that's a Biological Fact

#8 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 6:03pm

i prefer to stand at attention while rutting, as opposed to the lean.

#9 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 6:32pm

that was worth a good laugh...I mean some solid input on high aspect ect.rutters ...can't wait to hear what you guys write next .you did get me good I stand at attention with my rutter in my hand to all of you...

#10 Tue, 04/01/2008 - 7:26pm

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