Paddling clinic video

mindy's been on fire lately.. she had the foti brothers paddling clinic from catalina relay, which is great, and just posted the first part of the johnny puakea and danny ching paddling clinic from the kamanu opening...

Submitted by dacho on Fri, 05/16/2008 - 5:09am

Mindy is also da greatess for puting together the network, is all the comunity aware???
right here the link,

its easy to open an account, and you can communicate with the ohana all around the world......
mahalo Mindy!

#1 Fri, 05/16/2008 - 7:08am

yeah great job mindy on all the vids .. aloha and keep it up

#2 Fri, 05/16/2008 - 11:46pm

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