off season paddling

For those of you are mainly paddle 1 man year round, how much less do you train/paddle outside of 1 man season? Do you cut out the distance runs? Not paddle as far or fast? Just curious. Ive taken about a month off of paddle at all and am about to start back and am curious what more experienced people do in their off season. Thanks

Submitted by jpi92109 on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 7:51pm

Mostly long and low steady state paddles with some sprints here and there to keep things interesting. For the most part though, long and low is where its at. Build up your aerobic base ... then start integrating the sprints and you get closer to race season, etc. (that's a flatwater approach; I'm sure surfing is a tad bit different but in many ways the same).

#1 Wed, 05/21/2008 - 10:13am

Thats kind of what I was thinking but wanted to hear what others suggested so thank you. On the Big Island we dont get as much surf as other islands so when its up you always try to catch a run. Thanks!

#2 Wed, 05/21/2008 - 7:46pm

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