Hawaiiki Nui

Hiro....condolenses to you and your family on the passing of your father.

When you get back to the forum, I was wondering if there is a website or some place where someone can get Hawaiiki Nui stuff from this years race. Things like ordering a t-shirt, hat, poster...stuff like that. I was just curious. Would be fun to get a hat or shirt from this years race. Since could not be there, wanted to see if could order on line.

Jaws Out.

Submitted by RatchetJaws on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 12:08pm

They sell everything during the race...
Some products are sold out even before the first leg... sorry !

#1 Mon, 11/03/2008 - 12:23pm

Aloha Hiro C - I have been thinking of you and hope you and your family are finding peace and please know we all send you and yours our Alohas.

#2 Tue, 11/04/2008 - 12:14pm

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