OC1 Workouts

Hey guys, just a few questions about fitness.

  1. How do you guys train when you're not paddling?
  2. Do you have a specific workout?
  3. What is your favorite paddling run?
  4. How do you train in your oc1?
  5. How would i practice flying my ama? (as in, is there a place pretty deep non poluted water that has good waves or bumps that i would be able to practice?)

Any help would be appreciated guys

Thanks so much,

Submitted by kcchee11 on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 11:08pm

uhhhh.... all I can see is a bunch of wise ass answers being thrown at you.
......so I'll start.

  1. Why train when you're not paddling?
  2. Paddling
  3. The one where you don't have to paddle that much
  4. I paddle it.
  5. Unstrap it from your truck, grab it with both hands, do a spin and fly that bastard ama as hard as you can.

Hope this helps.

#1 Sun, 11/23/2008 - 11:36pm

wow, bravo ALOEK! had to pipe in and be the king wise ass of this post, what took you so long, it's only been 18 minutes since kcchee11 posted his question.

leave the wise cracks to the professionals like Ipaddleharder, unless your keen to be on his level too.

#2 Sun, 11/23/2008 - 11:49pm

1 Bike racing. Fantastic cardio workout
2 Some days, long slow distance, some days, intervals.
3 Moving to maui in 3 days, so I'll have to see.
4 Same as on the bike, lsd mixed with intervals.
5 Even on flat water, take 5 hard strokes, put your paddle in the brace position, and lean right. You'll get the feeling in an afternoon easy.

#3 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 12:11am

  1. Get boat up to speed and get comfortable flying ama while bracing during the glide like jibofo stated, then:

5a: "snap" ama in the air with hips at begiing of stroke, keeping ama flying throughout stroke while paddle's in the water for balance/fulcrum. Work on getting balance down so you no longer need to use paddle in water as a "crutch"

5b: Lastly, work on maintaining ama flying on the stroke recovery. I'm still working on this part...

#4 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 6:21am

Hey Kcchee11

1- in a gym with weights and a StairMaster. and the ball for balance.4 times a week for 1 1/2 hours

2- we work up to 10 to 12 Klm a day. moor if we are doing a long race.

3- when the strong wind comes from the west it makes nice sets.its not that often and they are not that big.

4- mostly the 10 k runs but once and while we will practice starts or sprints.

5- while paddling lift it a bit, a little at first, and gradually moor.

On a side note if you race with other guys at practice a little better than you you will get better.And jogging is great for training

Jibofo you lucky bugger. Ill send some of them donuts.

#5 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 6:46am

"Unstrap it from your truck, grab it with both hands, do a spin and fly that bastard ama as hard as you can."

well played

alt text

#6 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 8:51am

Ha! Yeah, just like that! Teach that ama a lesson....

#7 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 9:25am

  1. Surf!
  2. No specific workout, but I do seem to have a routine I fall into, I like big seas and being outside alone so I'll try to get "off shore runs" as much as I can. Otherwise, I'll "chase the rabbits" inshore for 5 or 6 miles. I try to get 5 days on the water like this.
  3. Hilo => Halau -> Papa'ikou Mill -> Honoli'i -> Whistling Bridge -> Surf @ Bayfront -> Halau
  4. Training?
  5. Surfing will definately help you develop your ama sensibilties!

#8 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 10:08am

Hey guys, really appreciate all the input. Pretty new at oc1 stuff, and just wanted to start trying to get good early in life.

once again, choke mahalos for all the replies,

#9 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 11:11am

FYI: its way easier to "grab your ama with both hands" and "teach it a lesson" if you're wearing a skirt.

Just in case you didn't know or wanted to know.


#10 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 11:57am

I'm going to have to visit again next summer just to get more of those donuts.

#11 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 2:10pm

Kanu The Rock

Snowshoe running
Snow shoveling
Unstucking my truck from deep snow
Getting the front door open after a heavy snow or freezing rain fall
X C Skiing
Snow shelter building
Small iceberg chunks (bergy bits) throwing
Large iceberg chunks (growlers) rolling

#12 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 2:11pm

Sounds pretty friggin' cold, Bob. But, a bergy bit in a blender with some tequila and lime...

#13 Mon, 11/24/2008 - 3:46pm

How's about coming to the gym with dad and anu!

#14 Tue, 01/06/2009 - 5:16am

or, u can buy a pueo and we can go do hawaii kai runs all day!!!

#15 Tue, 01/06/2009 - 9:15am

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