proper amounts of electrolytes

Ive read that for a good hard race you need about .5 - 1 gram per hour of sodium. In addition you also need potassium but not sure how much. I always thought that good old cytomax was enough to cover but according to the label its not anywhere near enough. Does anyone know of a drink that covers this? Or is it just assumed that in a race 2 hours or longer that you will stop long enough to pop a sodium pill? I paddle in Hawaii and sweat alot so I know I need to replace sodium. So far I have just used the Tahitian method of dragging my hand for a second and licking it for the salt - hi-tech I know but it seems like the simplest methods work best.

Submitted by jpi92109 on Sat, 01/03/2009 - 7:54pm

Here is a summary table of mixed drinks:

Salt loss in sweat up to 1 gram per hour is correct.

Just add more of it to your drink, don't need a pil for this . You will likely not mind because you are craving.

The Tahitian method sounds great.

A good idea would be to check your weight before and after a practice without drinking.
That gives you an idea about how much fluid you need.

As long as you can pee your salt content should be ok.
If a skin fold stands up and does not flatten after pinching the back of your hand you need salt and water.

Salt and water = always together, do not separate

#1 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 12:45am

Thanks eck. I ended up finding the table on your blog. I think im gonna try the gatorade endurance since it has the highest overall content of sodium and potassium for the longer runs and see how that goes.

#2 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 2:47am

Haven't checked that gatorade out, but I've always steered away from their products because of the sugar content.

I use cytomax. Brings me back from the dead every time without the sugar rush...LNB

#3 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 3:51am

I`ve been drinking Cytomax since my bike racing days , it worked really good then to keep me from bonking in a long race or ride and it works good now in long distance canoe racing .

Try it you`ll like it .....

#4 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 5:59am

personally i find the Hammer Gel Products to work for endurance races over 2hrs. Endurolytes for electrolytes pre-race and Sustained Energy during the race. the products due not use artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. you can check out their websites for data.

#5 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 7:33am

Every body is different and has different needs.

I don't seem to need as much water as some others. Cytomax has always been perfect for me and what I need for long workouts. I followup with a few figs and I'm good for several hours.

Definately end with a 3 or 4:1 carb:protein recovery after a 2 plus hour workout. 16 oz of low fat choc milk is a winner. It's amazing how fast you can recover to go again if needed.

Canned wild salmon or sardines and kashi crackers is a good recovery too. Been hitting that lately.

Don't forget those amazing bananas. An outstanding food for any occassion or reason...LNB

#6 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 7:59am

After doing more reading, I might just try throwing in the heed endurolyte capsules. After a decent amount of gatorade I crave pure cold weater for sure but according to the label and eckhart's chart, cytomax is very lacking in electrolytes. I use cytomax now and love that I dont get over the taste due to sugar but, for me anyway, it doesnt do the trick for the longer runs - over 90 minutes if i need to keep charging. My only consolation with the gatoradeis that since it comes in a powder I can dilute it. Ill try the endurolytes first I think.

Thanks for all the good input.

#7 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 9:32am

As someone noted, every body is different, but I also have had good luck with the HEED products by Hammer. For races, I mix up shots of hammer gel in a small squeezy flask to take during rests - that way I can enjoy some plain water, some HEED (electrolyte water), and still get a lot of calories.

Hammer also makes a super endurance product that I haven't yet tried called Peretuem, details here:

Anyone given that a try for a long race day?

#8 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 9:48am

Generally, the sweeter something is, the faster it will go into your blood and the faster and higher your Insulin will peak - not necessarily good.

Less sweet - think oatmeal - sugars are taken up more slowly and charge your system more moderately, better for long endurance.

Perpetuem has numbers that are close to what I think should be replaced.

Magnesium is only needed if you do high volume training over a longer time period.

#9 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 10:30am

i have perpeteum and cant stand the taste. My stomach is ok with it but not my taste buds, especially warm. The tough thing for me is that im trying to narrow it down to no more than my bag of fluids, some electrolyte pills, and maybe a cliff bar. Ive tried the cliff bar before and have no problem with it. Ive also heard of people using egg whites in a zip lock. My longest race this year will be maui to molokai so, from what im told, that should be enough.

Everything ive heard about perpeteum though is that it is one one the best supplements for the longer runs.

Valerie - So you saying that you have a fluid bag with pure water, and then a bottle with hammer gel diluted in water??

#10 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 11:09am

Add a little Hershey's cocoa, still bitter, but better overall.

#11 Sun, 01/04/2009 - 5:53pm

My wife who is a marathon runner and triathlete got me onto e-load. The taste is palatable and I have noticed the difference.


#12 Mon, 01/05/2009 - 2:11am

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