Paddling a Pueo

Im interested in hearing how guys adjusted to paddling on the ama side of your Pueo. I tend to reach a lot so I tagged the iako several times and even planted my blade on the other side of it a few times. I know its just a matter of getting used to it but im curious to hear some input. Do you just save your sprinting and power stroke for the right side? Thanks

Submitted by jpi92109 on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 3:57pm

What I would suggest is to paddle like usual, except try not to hit the front 'iako. And DEFINITELY try not to plant your paddle in front of it.

#1 Sun, 05/24/2009 - 6:38pm

i agree with goto on this one. and try not to stab ur paddle into the boat when u reach out to take a stroke. makes ugly chip marks...

#2 Sun, 05/24/2009 - 9:20pm

I guess I should rephrase.

So its normal to take a shorter stroke on the left?

#3 Sun, 05/24/2009 - 9:35pm

i sorta had that prob a little bit. maybe ur seat is too far forward??? idk that might solve it

#4 Sun, 05/24/2009 - 9:45pm

It sounds like you have your right elbow bent too much and your top hand closer to your face to get that reach out there to be tagging the front iako. You probably need to adjust your top arm and try to form that triangle that most people talk about having.

Try checking out some of the videos posted of people paddling the Pueo and you'll notice most of them tend to have both arms extended (to a degree). The blade tend to have a more straight (up and down) angle vice a forward reaching one on the entry.

#5 Mon, 05/25/2009 - 3:27am

Or maybe he has 5 foot long arms. Goto's arms are about 4 ft. long each, and he has no problem missing those iako.

#6 Mon, 05/25/2009 - 5:25am

Thanks E7. Thats what I was looking for. I have been looking at the videos and it looks like most guys sit a lot farther back. The guy who owns the demo boat I tried likes to sit up close and we are about the same height so I thought it was something with my stroke. Thanks again. Only 3.5 months until I get to start working on it.

#7 Mon, 05/25/2009 - 10:32am


#8 Mon, 05/25/2009 - 10:38am

I demo'd one last week and the seat was set for a guy creeping in on 6' . I am about 6'2" and with his seat position I was close to the iako but not that close. I looked at the seat and it could be cut back about another 4-6 " no problem.

Definitely a different ride, but I only had about 10 min in it so no real testing done.

#9 Wed, 05/27/2009 - 4:55am

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