MIles to kilometres

How many kilometres is a 1/4 mile race?

Is it a 500m sprint?

If anybody could help me i would appreciate it,


Submitted by blaise on Wed, 05/19/2004 - 11:30pm

1 mile is 1832 1832mt /4= 458 mt...
donc 1/4 de miles is 458 mt.....
is that true ?.......i think. :roll:

#1 Thu, 05/20/2004 - 6:08am

Hey Blaise,

There are two different miles, regular miles (aka statute miles) and nautical miles.
A regular mile is about 1.61 km, a nautical mile is (as stef mentions above) about 1.83 km.
If nothing else is specified, you're probably looking at a 1/4 regular mile race, so that would be about 402 meters.


#2 Fri, 05/21/2004 - 7:37am

ok, now that we are talking about measurements, how fast is 1 knot in terms of mph?

#3 Fri, 05/21/2004 - 8:54am

Hey Snarfblat,

A Knot is the same a a "nautical mile per hour", so it's not the same as a mph, which is a "regular mile per hour". A nautical mile is about 1.15 regular miles, so a Knot is roughly 1.15 mph (more eaxactly it is 1.150779450 mph).

By the way, the easiest way to get this type of information is to go to google and type something like "1 knot in mph".


#4 Fri, 05/21/2004 - 10:17am

Thanks for the help guys, i was just wondering because i was looking at the times in the hawaiin under 19 trial for the World SPrints in august, and just wanted to compare them with the times we are doing here in Australia.

#5 Tue, 05/25/2004 - 1:04am

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